Dental injuries are extremely common. As dentists we see patients weekly with damaged teeth, issues with a filling, or severe toothache or other symptoms. But as an individual, it might come out of nowhere when you or your child has a dental emergency. It can be scary to not know what to do, what will help your child, and what could potentially make the problems worse. For that reason, we are writing a quick article covering do’s and don’t’s for dental emergencies for kids. We highly recommend having an emergency dentist in mind for if and when you do need a dentist to see you or a child for a same-day appointment. We work out of Lewiston Maine, and serve patients throughout the area.

What Should I Do If My Child Has a Toothache?
Toothaches are one of the most common dental emergencies for kids and adults. But they can be very difficult to handle when you aren’t feeling the pain yourself. Some oral discomfort and pain are part of the process of losing teeth and gaining new teeth. From when babies start teething, it is common for kids to feel some pain. It can be distressing to not know if a toothache your child is feeling is serious. Common toothaches radiate pain and the pain can be intermittent or constant. If your child has light pain, it could be caused by impacted food that can be removed by brushing or flossing. But if tooth pain is continuous or recurring, it is likely something more like a tooth fracture, decay, or another similar issue. You should call a dentist and explain your child’s symptoms. They will recommend either a same-day appointment or an appointment in the next few days based on your child’s symptoms. In the meantime, it is recommended that you help your kids clean their mouth with warm water, remove any impacted food, and use an ice pack to help reduce the swelling.
How Do I Help A Child With A Knocked Out Tooth?
Teeth can get knocked out in a few ways. One of the most common for kids is a tooth that is knocked out while playing. Getting hit in the mouth or head can cause a tooth to fall out. If the tooth was a baby tooth or a primary tooth, most dentists will not recommend re-implantation. However, that is often recommended for adult teeth when possible. One common mistake made by parents is assuming that just because a tooth was a baby tooth, it’s ok if it gets knocked out. If your child is in pain, if they are bleeding, if there is swelling, or if there are other issues, you should consider going to a dentist. If a tooth falls out because a child wiggled or pulled out as it became loose, they likely won’t feel much pain. But if the tooth gets knocked out while they are playing sports, it can be painful and an exam is recommended. It is important to make sure the other teeth are ok.
How Are Adult Teeth Re-implanted
If a teenager loses a tooth while playing a sport, it might be able to be put back. The tooth can be recovered, and as long as the child and the tooth get to a dental office within an hour, it might be possible to put the tooth back in. The tooth needs to be handled only by the crown (the section that is usually seen), and it dirt/debris should be rinsed off the tooth. For older teens, you can ask them to place the tooth into the socket using gentle pressure or hold tooth in their mouth on the way to the dentist. Otherwise a tooth can be submerged in a glass of milk. It is not recommended to ask a young child to hold a tooth in their mouth, since they might swallow it.
Emergency Dentist in Lewiston
We provide both family dental services and emergency dental services from our office in Lewiston Maine. If you have any questions regarding out dental services, please give us a call.